Subtree (BASIC ALL)

  • 当有嵌套仓库时使用。
  • 依赖数量太大时不推荐。
  • 对于这些情况,我们需要一个依赖控制系统。
  • 命令非常长,因此需要别名。

Subtree 别名

  • 添加:git subtree add --prefix <target-folder> <url> <branch> --squash
  • 拉取:git subtree pull --prefix <target-folder> <url> <branch> --squash
  • 推送:git subtree add --prefix <target-folder> <url> <branch>
  • 扩展:git config alias.sbp 'subtree pull --prefix st / master --squash'
  # Add an alias
  # Add
  git config alias.sba 'subtree add --prefix st / master --squash'
  # Pull
  git config alias.sbpl 'subtree pull --prefix st / master --squash'
  # Push
  git config alias.sbph 'subtree push --prefix st / master'

  # Adding this subtree adds a st dir with a readme
  git sba
  vi st/
  # Edit file
  git status shows differences

  # Adding, or committing won't change the sub repo at remote
  # even if we push
  git add -A
  git commit -m "Adding to subtree readme"

  # Push to subtree repo
  git sbph
  # now we can check our remote sub repo