极狐(GitLab)自 2021 年 3 月 18 日正式成立以来,在过去的两年多时间里,公司推出的一体化 DevOps 平台已经为国内数百家企业实现 DevOps 的成功落地实践,企业客户涉及汽车、金融、游戏、医疗、互联网等众多行业。在这期间,极狐GitLab 推出了 SaaS 产品(JihuLab.com)。这两年随着公司业务的快速增长,为了能够集中资源更好的服务企业客户,公司决定针对免费用户,在 SaaS 产品功能上做出一些适当的调整,以下调整自 2024 年 1 月 2 日 起生效。


免费用户的 SaaS 产品使用期限调整为 90 天,不再是免费用户无限使用。自极狐GitLab SaaS 产品推出以来,任何用户都可以免费注册 SaaS 账号,进行产品使用,对于使用期限不做限制。从 2024 年 1 月 2 日起,将所有免费用户的 SaaS 使用期限从无限期调整为 90 天。其中:

如果在免费使用的 90 天期间内,用户没有升级为付费用户(购买专业版或旗舰版),则在使用期限到期之前,极狐GitLab SaaS 团队会提前多次通过邮件通知用户,提醒用户进行处理:如果用户想继续使用 SaaS ,可以升级为付费用户;如果用户不想继续使用 SaaS,用户需要提前把 SaaS 账号下面的数据迁移至用户侧。

用户可以安装极狐GitLab 私有化部署版本,将数据导入私有化部署版本使用,详情可以查看官网安装教程

90天到期之后,未升级为付费用户的账号将被禁止登录 SaaS,其用户数据将会在一段时间内被删除。


调整政策生效之日起,所有现有的免费群组均会升级为专业试用版(限时 90 天),所有现有的付费群组的订阅期限自动延长 90 天。调整政策生效之日起,用户新建的群组,默认还是基础版,但是用户可以按照正常流程,将新建的群组升级为专业试用版,试用期限为 60 天。


顶级免费私有群组的协作人数将由原来的不限制修改为上限 5 人。如果超过 5 人协作,需要升级为付费群组(专业版或旗舰版)。



公司一直在持续迭代更新 DevOps 平台化产品,也将一如既往为国内企业提供成熟、安全的 DevOps 平台。同时在 AIGC 时代,公司也在积极探索用 AI 来赋能 DevOps,继而让企业客户能够在 AIGC 时代保持竞争力。

如您需要进一步咨询或对本文所述政策有任何疑问,可通过电话 400-088-8738 或通过邮箱 usrsupport@gitlab.cn 来联系我们。

JiHu GitLab SaaS features adjustment

Since JiHu GitLab was founded on March 18th, 2021, it has already helped hundreds of domestic enterprises improve their software development efficiency with the JiHu GitLab all-in-one DevOps platform. Customers in various industries, such as automotive,finance,games,internet and so on, paid for the JiHu GitLab DevOps platform, and much more will pay in the future.

JiHu GitLab launched SaaS(GitLab.hk) in 2022, and thousands of users have used SaaS until now. Over the past two years, JiHu GitLab's business has rapidly expanded. In order to serve enterprise customers with concentrated resources, we decided to make some adjustments to SaaS. The following adjustment will be effective from January 2, 2024.

Registration Adjustment

Once the subscription is expired, users will become free users who can use SaaS for free for 90 days. If users don't subscribe again, their account will be restricted from logging in, and the data will be removed after 3 years, which means free users should migrate their data before the data is removed. For different registered users, the effect will be as follows:

During the 90 days free period, if the user does not upgrade to a paid subscription (Permium or Ultimate), the JiHu GitLab SaaS team will send email notifications several times to remind the user to take action before the free period expires. Users can choose to upgrade to a paid subscription if they want to continue using SaaS. If a user does not wish to continue using SaaS, they must migrate the data under their SaaS account to their local storage in advance.

Users can install a self-managed JiHu GitLab instance to host all the data exported from saas. More info about self-managed installation is here.

After 90 days free period expires, accounts that have not been upgraded to a paid subscription will be restricted to logging, and user data will be deleted within a period of time.

Subscription adjustment

After the adjustment takes effect, all existing free groups will be upgraded to the Premium plan (only for 90 days), and the subscription period for all existing paid groups will automatically be extended by 90 days. Also, the default plan for new groups created by users will be Basic, but users can follow the normal process to upgrade the new group to Premium with 60 days free trials.

Collaborator number adjustment for groups

Before the adjustment, there are no restrictions on the number of collaborators for top-level free private groups, but after the adjustment, the maximum number of collaborators in top-level free private groups will be 5 persons. If the number of users exceeds 5 persons, an upgrade to a paid subscription (Premium or Ultimate) will be required.

Ultimate plan adjustment for public projects

The default plan for public projects will no longer be Ultimate. If Ultimate is needed, users can upgrade their plan to Ultimate.

JiHu(GitLab) will continue to iterate and update our all-in-one DevOps platform products. More and more mature and secure features will be added in the future. We strongly believe our DevOps platform will help more domestic enterprises improve their development efficiency and secure their software supply chain. Additionally, during the AIGC era, we are actively exploring how AI can empower DevOps, enabling enterprise customers to remain competitive in the AIGC era.

If you have any concern, please send email to usrsupport@gitlab.cn.


