配置外部 Sidekiq 实例

您可以使用极狐GitLab 包中捆绑的 Sidekiq,来配置外部 Sidekiq 实例。Sidekiq 需要连接到 Redis、PostgreSQL 和 Gitaly 实例。

为 PostgreSQL、Gitaly 和 Redis 配置 TCP 访问

默认情况下,极狐GitLab 使用 UNIX 套接字,并且未设置为通过 TCP 进行通信。要更改:

  1. 编辑极狐GitLab 实例上的 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 文件,并添加以下内容:

    ## PostgreSQL
    # Replace POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH with a generated md5 value
    postgresql['sql_user_password'] = 'POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH'
    postgresql['listen_address'] = ''
    postgresql['port'] = 5432
    # Add the Sidekiq nodes to PostgreSQL's trusted addresses.
    # In the following example, is the private IP
    # of the Sidekiq server.
    postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
    postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
    ## Gitaly
    # Make Gitaly accept connections on all network interfaces
    gitaly['listen_addr'] = ""
    ## Set up the Gitaly token as a form of authentication since you are accessing Gitaly over the network
    ## https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.html#about-the-gitaly-token
    gitaly['auth_token'] = 'abc123secret'
    praefect['configuration'][:auth][:token] = 'abc123secret'
    gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'abc123secret'
    ## Redis configuration
    redis['bind'] = ''
    redis['port'] = 6379
    # Password to Authenticate Redis
    redis['password'] = 'redis-password-goes-here'
    gitlab_rails['redis_password'] = 'redis-password-goes-here'
    gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
  2. 运行 reconfigure

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
  3. 重启 PostgreSQL 服务器:

    sudo gitlab-ctl restart postgresql
  4. 重启后,将 auto_migrate 设置为 true 或注释使用默认设置:

    gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = true
  5. 再次运行 reconfigure

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

设置 Sidekiq 实例

  1. SSH 进入 Sidekiq 服务器。

  2. 确认您可以访问 PostgreSQL、Gitaly 和 Redis 端口:

    telnet <GitLab host> 5432 # PostgreSQL
    telnet <GitLab host> 8075 # Gitaly
    telnet <GitLab host> 6379 # Redis
  3. 下载并安装 Omnibus GitLab 包,完成步骤 1 和 2。不要完成任何其他步骤。

  4. 从极狐GitLab 实例中复制 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 文件并添加以下设置。确保将它们替换为您的值:

   #####        Services Disabled       ###
   # When running GitLab on just one server, you have a single `gitlab.rb`
   # to enable all services you want to run.
   # When running GitLab on N servers, you have N `gitlab.rb` files.
   # Enable only the services you want to run on each
   # specific server, while disabling all others.
   gitaly['enable'] = false
   postgresql['enable'] = false
   redis['enable'] = false
   nginx['enable'] = false
   puma['enable'] = false
   gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
   prometheus['enable'] = false
   alertmanager['enable'] = false
   grafana['enable'] = false
   gitlab_exporter['enable'] = false
   gitlab_kas['enable'] = false

   ## To maintain uniformity of links across nodes, the
   ## `external_url` on the Sidekiq server should point to the external URL that users
   ## use to access GitLab. This can be either:
   ## - The `external_url` set on your application server.
   ## - The URL of a external load balancer, which routes traffic to the GitLab application server.
   external_url 'https://gitlab.example.com'

   # Configure the gitlab-shell API callback URL. Without this, `git push` will
   # fail. This can be your 'front door' GitLab URL or an internal load
   # balancer.
   gitlab_rails['internal_api_url'] = 'GITLAB_URL'
   gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'SHELL_TOKEN'

   ####              Redis              ###

   ## Must be the same in every sentinel node.
   redis['master_name'] = 'gitlab-redis' # Required if you have setup redis cluster
   ## The same password for Redis authentication you set up for the master node.
   redis['master_password'] = '<redis_master_password>'

   ### If redis is running on the main Gitlab instance and you have opened the TCP port as above add the following
   gitlab_rails['redis_host'] = '<gitlab_host>'
   gitlab_rails['redis_port'] = 6379

   ###              Gitaly             ###

   ## Replace <gitaly_token> with the one you set up, see
   ## https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.html#about-the-gitaly-token
     "default" => {
        "gitaly_address" => "tcp://<gitlab_host>:8075",
        "gitaly_token" => "<gitaly_token>"

   ###            Postgres             ###

   # Replace <database_host> and <database_password>
   gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '<database_host>'
   gitlab_rails['db_port'] = '5432'
   gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '<database_password>'
   ## Prevent database migrations from running on upgrade automatically
   gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false

   ###      Sidekiq configuration      ###
   sidekiq['enable'] = true
   sidekiq['listen_address'] = ""

   ## Set number of Sidekiq queue processes to the same number as available CPUs
   sidekiq['queue_groups'] = ['*'] * 4

   ## Set number of Sidekiq threads per queue process to the recommend number of 10
   sidekiq['max_concurrency'] = 20
  1. 从极狐GitLab 实例复制 /etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json 文件,替换 Sidekiq 实例中的文件。

  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
  3. 完成该过程并完成数据库迁移后,重新启动 Sidekiq 实例。

使用共享存储配置多个 Sidekiq 节点

如果您使用共享文件存储(例如 NFS)运行多个 Sidekiq 节点,则必须指定 UID 和 GID 以确保它们在服务器之间匹配。指定 UID 和 GID 可以防止文件系统中的权限问题。

设置多个 Sidekiq 节点:

  1. 编辑 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

    user['uid'] = 9000
    user['gid'] = 9000
    web_server['uid'] = 9001
    web_server['gid'] = 9001
    registry['uid'] = 9002
    registry['gid'] = 9002
  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

使用外部 Sidekiq 时配置容器镜像库

如果您使用的是 Container Registry,并且它在与 Sidekiq 不同的节点上运行,请按照以下步骤操作。

  1. 编辑 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb,配置镜像库 URL:

    registry_external_url 'https://registry.example.com'
    gitlab_rails['registry_api_url'] = "https://registry.example.com"
  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
  3. 在托管 Container Registry 的实例中,将 registry.key 文件复制到 Sidekiq 节点。

配置 Sidekiq 指标服务器

如果要收集 Sidekiq 指标,请启用 Sidekiq 指标服务器。 从 localhost:8082/metrics 获取指标,配置指标服务器:

  1. 编辑/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

    sidekiq['metrics_enabled'] = true
    sidekiq['listen_address'] = "localhost"
    sidekiq['listen_port'] = "8082"
    # Optionally log all the metrics server logs to log/sidekiq_exporter.log
    sidekiq['exporter_log_enabled'] = true
  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure


引入于 15.2 版本。

要通过 HTTPS 而不是 HTTP 提供指标,请在导出器设置中启用 TLS:

  1. 编辑 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 以添加(或查找并取消注释)以下行:

    sidekiq['exporter_tls_enabled'] = true
    sidekiq['exporter_tls_cert_path'] = "/path/to/certificate.pem"
    sidekiq['exporter_tls_key_path'] = "/path/to/private-key.pem"
  2. 保存文件并重新配置极狐GitLab,使更改生效。

启用 TLS 时,使用与上述相同的 portaddress。 指标服务器不能同时提供 HTTP 和 HTTPS。


如果您使用健康检查探针观察 Sidekiq,请启用 Sidekiq 健康检查服务器。 例如从 localhost:8092 进行健康检查:

  1. 编辑 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

    sidekiq['health_checks_enabled'] = true
    sidekiq['health_checks_listen_address'] = "localhost"
    sidekiq['health_checks_listen_port'] = "8092"
  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

有关健康检查的更多信息,请参阅 Sidekiq 健康检查页面

配置 LDAP 和用户或群组同步

如果您使用 LDAP 进行用户和群组管理,则必须将 LDAP 配置添加到 Sidekiq 节点以及 LDAP 同步 worker。如果 LDAP 配置和 LDAP 同步 worker 未应用于您的 Sidekiq 节点,则不会自动同步用户和群组。

有关为极狐GitLab 配置 LDAP 的更多信息,请参阅:

要使用 Sidekiq 的同步 worker 启用 LDAP:

  1. 编辑 /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

    gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true
    gitlab_rails['prevent_ldap_sign_in'] = false
    gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
    'main' => {
    'label' => 'LDAP',
    'host' => 'ldap.mydomain.com',
    'port' => 389,
    'uid' => 'sAMAccountName',
    'encryption' => 'simple_tls',
    'verify_certificates' => true,
    'bind_dn' => '_the_full_dn_of_the_user_you_will_bind_with',
    'password' => '_the_password_of_the_bind_user',
    'tls_options' => {
       'ca_file' => '',
       'ssl_version' => '',
       'ciphers' => '',
       'cert' => '',
       'key' => ''
    'timeout' => 10,
    'active_directory' => true,
    'allow_username_or_email_login' => false,
    'block_auto_created_users' => false,
    'base' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
    'user_filter' => '',
    'attributes' => {
       'username' => ['uid', 'userid', 'sAMAccountName'],
       'email' => ['mail', 'email', 'userPrincipalName'],
       'name' => 'cn',
       'first_name' => 'givenName',
       'last_name' => 'sn'
    'lowercase_usernames' => false,
    # Enterprise Edition only
    # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/ldap/ldap_synchronization.html
    'group_base' => '',
    'admin_group' => '',
    'external_groups' => [],
    'sync_ssh_keys' => false
    gitlab_rails['ldap_sync_worker_cron'] = "0 */12 * * *"
  2. 重新配置极狐GitLab:

    sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

禁用 Rugged

调用 libgit2 的 Rugged Ruby 绑定,锁定 Sidekiq 进程的 GVL,阻止该 worker 进行中的所有作业。如果 Sidekiq 执行的 Rugged 调用速度很慢,这可能会导致后台任务处理出现明显延迟。

默认情况下,当 Git 仓库数据存储在本地存储或 NFS 挂载上时,使用 Rugged。使用 NFS 时建议使用 Rugged,但如果您使用本地存储,禁用 Rugged 可以提高 Sidekiq 性能:

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:features:disable_rugged