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DevSecOps with JiHu GitLab

With JiHu GitLab, Security is built into the CI pipeline, out of the box. Every code commit is automatically scanned for security vulnerabilities in your code and its dependencies. Actionable results are delivered to the developer in their native workflow for rapid remediation.

Empower developers to create secure code

Application Security is hard when security is separated from your DevOps workflow. Security has traditionally been the final hurdle in the development life cycle. Iterative development workflows can make security a release bottleneck. Instead of waiting for security at the end of the development process, you can include it seamlessly within your developer's workflow.

Why integration matters for DevSecOps

  • Every piece of code is tested upon commit for security threats, without incremental cost.
  • The developer can remediate now, while they are still working in that code, or create an issue with one click.
  • The security pro can see and manage unresolved vulnerabilities captured as a by-product of software development.
  • Single source of truth can focus collaboration on remediation, eliminating translation and finger pointing.
  • A single tool reduces cost to buy, integrate and maintain point solutions throughout the DevOps pipeline.

The DevOps platform that simplifies DevSecOps

JiHu GitLab is known for industry-leading Source Code Management (SCM) and Continuous Integration (CI). Developers want to use JiHu GitLab. We make it easy to include security and compliance. Focus on apps, not tool maintentnance, while improving collaboration and transparency for one predictable cost. JiHu GitLab has security and governance built-in.

DevSecOps simplified

Continuous security testing capabilities

Included within all JiHu GitLab tiers

Static Application Security Testing (SAST, all tiers)

  • Scan the application to spot potential vulnerabilities at code commit, before code is merged.
  • Secret Detection prevent secrets from accidentally leaking into your Git history.

Included within the JiHu GitLab Ultimate tier

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

  • Dynamic scanning earlier in the SDLC than ever possible, by leveraging the review app CI/CD capability of JiHu GitLab.
  • Test running web applications for known runtime vulnerabilities.
  • Users can provide HTTP credentials to test private areas.

Dependency Scanning

  • Analyze external dependencies (e.g. libraries) for known vulnerabilities on each code commit with JiHu GitLab CI/CD.
  • Identify vulnerable dependencies needing updating.
  • A Dependency List (Bill of Materials) shows all dependencies used in a project.

Container Scanning

  • Check Docker images for known vulnerabilities in the application environment.
  • Avoid redistribution of vulnerabilities via container images.

License Compliance

  • Automatically search project dependencies for approved and unapproved licenses defined by your policies.
  • Custom license policies per project.
  • License analysis results are shown in the merge request pipeline alongside security vulnerabilities for immediate resolution.

Additional Capabilities

  • Auto Remediation: Auto remediation aims to automated vulnerability solution flow, and automatically create a fix. The fix is then tested, and if it passes all the tests already defined for the application, it is deployed to production.
  • Fuzz Testing: Fuzz testing acquisitions have been integrated alongside other scanners in the merge request pipeline. Apply this powerful technology to automatically test for unknown security flaws with coverage-guided fuzzing and API fuzzing

Exciting new capabilities!
We welcome your feedback and contribution to our vision and roadmap
Vulnerability Management
Evaluate vulnerabilities based upon risk and scanning vendor used.
Risk-based Triage Filter by scanner vendor
Mobile app testing
Test mobile applications within your CI pipeline including Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C, and Java.
Getting started with SAST for Android
Container Security
Protect cloud-native production applications.
Container Network Policies

Efficiently manage vulnerabilities and risk using the JiHu GitLab Security Dashboards
Use JiHu GitLab Application Security Capabilities with Jenkins
See how we compare against other Security tools

Believe it

Get unlimited access to all JiHu GitLab Premium features for 60 days.

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