- Access your user profile
- Access your user settings
- Change your username
- Add emails to your user profile
- Delete email addresses from your user profile
- Make your user profile page private
- Add details to your profile with a README
- Add external accounts to your user profile page
- Show private contributions on your user profile page
- Add your gender pronouns
- Add your name pronunciation
- Set your status
- Set your time zone
- Change the email displayed on your commits
- Change your primary email
- Set your public email
- Follow users
- View a user’s activity
- View your activity
- Sign-in services
- Session duration
- Related topics
User account
Each GitLab account has a user profile, which contains information about you and your GitLab activity.
Your profile also includes settings, which you use to customize your GitLab experience.
Access your user profile
To access your profile:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select your name or username.
Access your user settings
To access your user settings:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
Change your username
Your username has a unique namespace, which is updated when you change your username. Before you change your username, read about how redirects behave. If you do not want to update the namespace, you can create a new user or group and transfer projects to it instead.
- Your namespace must not:
- Contain a project with Container Registry tags.
- Have a project that hosts GitLab Pages. For more information, see changing your username in the GitLab Team Handbook.
- Your username:
- Must be between 2 and 255 characters in length.
- Must only include non-accented letters, digits,
, and.
. - Must not:
- Start with
, or.
. - Contain emoji.
- End with
or.<reserved file extension>
, for examplejon.png
. However,jonpng
is valid.
- Start with
To change your username:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- On the left sidebar, select Account.
- In the Change username section, enter a new username as the path.
- Select Update username.
Add emails to your user profile
To add a new email address to your account:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- On the left sidebar, select Emails.
- Select Add new email.
- In the Email text box, enter the new email.
- Select Add email address.
- Verify your email address with the verification email received.
The new email address is added as a secondary email address. You can use secondary email addresses to reset passwords but not to authenticate. You can update your primary email address.
Delete email addresses from your user profile
- Automatic deletion of unverified secondary email addresses introduced in GitLab 17.0.
You can delete a secondary email address from your account. You cannot delete your primary email address.
If the deleted email address is used for any user emails, those user emails are sent to the primary email address instead.
Unverified secondary email addresses are automatically deleted after three days.
To delete an email address from your account:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- On the left sidebar, select Emails.
- Select Delete () and confirm you want to Remove.
You can also use the API to delete a secondary email address.
Make your user profile page private
You can make your user profile visible to only you and GitLab administrators.
To make your profile private:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- Select the Private profile checkbox.
- Select Update profile settings.
The following is hidden from your user profile page (https://gitlab.example.com/username
- Atom feed
- Date when account was created
- Tabs for activity, groups, contributed projects, personal projects, starred projects, snippets
User visibility
The public page of a user, located at /username
, is always visible whether you are signed-in or
When visiting the public page of a user, you can only see the projects which you have privileges to.
If the public level is restricted, user profiles are only visible to authenticated users.
Add details to your profile with a README
You can add more information to your profile page with a README file. When you populate the README file with information, it’s included on your profile page.
From a new project
To create a new project and add its README to your profile:
- On the left sidebar, at the top, select Create new () and New project/repository.
- Select Create blank project.
- Enter the project details:
- In the Project name field, enter the name for your new project.
- In the Project URL field, select your GitLab username.
- In the Project slug field, enter your GitLab username. All of these fields are case sensitive. If your username has capital letters, enter it into the project slug field with the capitals included.
- For Visibility Level, select Public.
- For Project Configuration, ensure Initialize repository with a README is selected.
- Select Create project.
- Create a README file inside this project. The file can be any valid README or index file.
- Populate the README file with Markdown, or another supported markup language.
GitLab displays the contents of your README below your contribution graph.
From an existing project
To add the README from an existing project to your profile, update the path of the project to match your username.
Add external accounts to your user profile page
- Mastodon user account introduced in GitLab 16.6 with a flag named
. Disabled by default. - Mastodon user account generally available in GitLab 16.7. Feature flag
removed. - Ability to verify Mastodon account using your GitLab user profile added in GitLab 17.4 with a flag named
. Disabled by default.
You can add links to certain other external accounts you might have, like Skype and X (formerly Twitter). They can help other users connect with you on other platforms.
To add links to other accounts:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Main settings section, add your:
- Discord user ID.
- LinkedIn profile name.
- Bluesky did:plc identifier. To find your identifier, resolve your user handle.
- Mastodon handle. In GitLab 17.4 and later, you can use your GitLab profile to verify your Mastodon account.
- Skype username.
- X (formerly Twitter) @username.
Your user ID or username must be 500 characters or less.
- Select Update profile settings.
Show private contributions on your user profile page
In the user contribution calendar graph and recent activity list, you can see your contribution actions to private projects.
To show private contributions:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Main settings section, select the Include private contributions on my profile checkbox.
- Select Update profile settings.
Add your gender pronouns
You can add your gender pronouns to your GitLab account to be displayed next to your name in your profile.
To specify your pronouns:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Pronouns text box, enter your pronouns. The text must be 50 characters or less.
- Select Update profile settings.
Add your name pronunciation
You can add your name pronunciation to your GitLab account. This is displayed in your profile, below your name.
To add your name pronunciation:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Pronunciation text box, enter how your name is pronounced. The pronunciation must be plain text and 255 characters or less.
- Select Update profile settings.
Set your status
Set your status to let others know your availability. Others can see your status when they hover over your avatar, name, or username. Your status is publicly visible even if you’ve made your user profile page private.
Your status consists of the following elements. You can use each separately to indicate your status.
- An emoji to indicate your status.
- A message that describes your availability. You can include emoji codes like
. Maximum of 100 characters. - A checkbox that adds a
badge to your status.
To set your current status:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Set status. If you’ve previously set a status, select Edit status instead.
- Optional. Enter a status message.
- Optional. Select the Set yourself as busy checkbox.
- Optional. Select a value from the Clear status after dropdown list.
- Select Set status.
Your status is updated. You can also set your status from the user settings page or with the Users API.
Set your time zone
You can set your local time zone to:
- Display your local time on your profile, and in places where hovering over your name shows information about you.
- Align your contribution calendar with your local time to better reflect when your contributions were made
To set your time zone:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Time settings section, select your time zone from the dropdown list.
Change the email displayed on your commits
A commit email is an email address displayed in every Git-related action carried out through the GitLab interface.
Any of your own verified email addresses can be used as the commit email. Your primary email is used by default.
To change your commit email:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Commit email dropdown list, select an email address.
- Select Update profile settings.
Change your primary email
Your primary email is the default email address for your login, commit email, and notification email.
To change your primary email:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Email field, enter your new email address.
- Select Update profile settings.
- Optional. Select the confirmation email if you have not previously added this email to your GitLab.com account.
Set your public email
You can select one of your configured email addresses to be displayed on your public profile:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Public email field, select one of the available email addresses.
- Select Update profile settings.
Use an automatically-generated private commit email
GitLab provides an automatically-generated private commit email address, so you can keep your email information private.
To use a private commit email:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- In the Commit email dropdown list, select Use a private email.
- Select Update profile settings.
Every Git-related action uses the private commit email.
To stay fully anonymous, you can also copy the private commit email and configure it on your local machine by using the following command:
git config --global user.email <your email address>
Follow users
You can follow or unfollow users from either:
- Their user profiles.
- The small popover that appears when you hover over a user’s name (introduced in GitLab 15.0).
In GitLab 15.5 and later, the maximum number of users you can follow is 300.
In GitLab 16.10 and later, blocked users don’t appear in the followers list on user profiles.
Disable following and being followed by other users
Introduced in GitLab 16.0 with a flag named
. - Feature flag removed in GitLab 16.3.
You can disable following and being followed by other users.
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- Select Preferences.
- Clear the Enable follow users checkbox.
- Select Save changes.
View a user’s activity
GitLab tracks user contribution activity. To view a user’s activity:
- Go to the user’s profile.
- In the GitLab menu, select Activity.
A list of Most Recent Activity contributions is displayed.
View your activity
To view your activity:
- On the left sidebar, select Search or go to.
- Select Your work.
- Select Activity.
Optional. To filter your activity by contribution type, in the Your Activity tab, select a tab:
- All: All contributions you made in your groups and projects.
- Push events: Push events you made in your projects.
- Merge events: Merge requests you accepted in your projects.
- Issue events: Issues you opened and closed in your projects.
- Comments: Comments you posted in your projects.
- Wiki: Wiki pages you created and updated in your projects.
- Designs: Designs you added, updated, and removed in your projects.
- Team: Projects you joined and left.
Instead of using a regular username and password to sign in to GitLab, you can use a sign-in service instead.
Connect a sign-in service
To connect a sign-in service to use for signing in to GitLab:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- Select Account.
- Locate the Service sign-in section.
- Under the Connected Accounts section, select the button that corresponds with the service you want to sign in with.
- Follow the instructions for the selected service to start signing in with it.
Disconnect a sign-in service
To disconnect a sign-in service used for signing in to GitLab:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Edit profile.
- Select Account.
- Locate the Service sign-in section.
- Under the Connected Accounts section, select Disconnect next to the button that corresponds with the service you no longer want to sign in with.
Session duration
Stay signed in for two weeks
By default, you are signed out of GitLab after seven days (10080 minutes) of inactivity or until you close your browser window, whichever comes first.
GitLab administrators can change this default.
Stay signed in indefinitely
- Ability to turn the Remember me setting on and off introduced in GitLab 16.0.
To remain signed in indefinitely, select the Remember me checkbox on the GitLab sign-in page.
You remain signed in because, although the server sets a session time of one week, your browser stores a secure token that enables automatic reauthentication.
GitLab administrators can turn off the Remember me setting for environments that require sessions to expire periodically for security or compliance purposes.
Cookies used for sign-in
When you sign in, three cookies are set:
- A session cookie called
. This cookie has no set expiration date. However, it expires based on itssession_expire_delay
. - A session cookie called
. This cookie is used by the marketing site to determine if a user has an active GitLab session. No user information is passed to the cookie and it expires two weeks from login. - A persistent cookie called
, which is set only if you selected Remember me on the sign-in page.
When you close your browser, the _gitlab_session
and gitlab_user
cookies are usually cleared client-side.
When it expires or isn’t available, GitLab:
- Uses the
cookie to get you a new_gitlab_session
cookie and keep you signed in, even if you close your browser. - Sets the
When both the remember_user_token
and _gitlab_session
cookies are gone or expired, you must sign in again.
Related topics
- Create users
- Sign in to your GitLab account
- Change your password
- Receive emails for:
- Manage applications that can use GitLab as an OAuth provider
- Manage personal access tokens to access your account through the API and authorized applications
- Manage SSH keys to access your account by using SSH
- Change the syntax highlighting theme
- View your active sessions and revoke any of them if necessary