Merge request approval rules

Tier: Premium, Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

Approval rules define how many approvals a merge request must receive before it can be merged, and which users should do the approving. They can be used in conjunction with code owners to ensure that changes are reviewed both by the group maintaining the feature, and any groups responsible for specific areas of oversight.

You can define approval rules:

You can configure approval rules:

If you don’t define a default approval rule, any user can approve a merge request. Even if you don’t define a rule, you can still enforce a minimum number of required approvers in the project’s settings.

Merge requests that target a different project, such as from a fork to the upstream project, use the default approval rules from the target (upstream) project, not the source (fork).

Merge request approvals can be configured globally to apply across all (or a subset) projects with policies. Merge request approval policies also provide additional flexibility with more granular configuration options.

Add an approval rule

  • Approval rules for all protected branches introduced in GitLab 15.3.


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.
  • To add a group as an approver in, you must be a member of the group or the group must be public.

To add a merge request approval rule:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > Merge requests.
  3. In the Merge request approvals section, in the Approval rules section, select Add approval rule.
  4. On the right sidebar, complete the fields:
    • In Approvals required, a value of 0 makes the rule optional, and any number greater than 0 creates a required rule. Maximum number of required approvals is 100.
    • From Add approvers, select users or groups that are eligible to approve. GitLab suggests approvers based on previous authors of the files changed by the merge request.
  5. Select Save changes. You can add multiple approval rules.

Your configuration for approval rule overrides determines if the new rule is applied to existing merge requests:

  • If approval rule overrides are allowed, changes to these default rules are not applied to existing merge requests, except for changes to the target branch of the rule.
  • If approval rule overrides are not allowed, all changes to default rules are applied to existing merge requests. Any approval rules that were previously manually overridden during the period when approval rule overrides where allowed, are not modified.

Edit an approval rule


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.
  • To add a group as an approver in, you must be a member of the group or the group must be public.

To edit a merge request approval rule:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > Merge requests.
  3. In the Merge request approvals section, in the Approval rules section, next to the rule you want to edit, select Edit.
  4. On the right sidebar, edit the fields:
    • In Approvals required, a value of 0 makes the rule optional, and any number greater than 0 creates a required rule. Maximum number of required approvals is 100.
    • To remove users or groups, identify the group or user to remove, and select Remove ().
  5. Select Save changes.

Delete an approval rule


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.

To delete a merge request approval rule:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > Merge requests.
  3. In the Merge request approvals section, next to the rule you want to delete, select the trash can ().
  4. Select Remove approvers.

Multiple approval rules

To enforce multiple approval rules on a merge request, add multiple default approval rules for a project.

When an eligible approver approves a merge request, it reduces the number of approvals left (the Approvals column) for all rules that the approver belongs to:

Merge request approvals widget

For an overview, see Multiple Approvers.

Eligible approvers

To be eligible as an approver for a project, a user must be a member of at least one of the following:

Users with the Developer role can approve merge requests if one of the following is true:

  • Users added as approvers at the project or merge request level.
  • Users who are Code owners of the files changed in the merge request.

Users with the Reporter role can approve only if both of the following are true:

  • The users are part of a group that has been shared with the project. The group must have at least the Reporter role.
  • The group has been added as merge request approvers.

For detailed instructions, see Merge request approval segregation of duties.

To show who has participated in the merge request review, the Approvals widget in a merge request displays a Commented by column. This column lists eligible approvers who commented on the merge request. It helps authors and reviewers identify who to contact with questions about the merge request’s content.

If the number of required approvals is greater than the number of assigned approvers, approvals from other users with at least the Developer role in the project count toward meeting the required number of approvals, even if the users were not explicitly listed in the approval rules.

Group approvers

You can add a group of users as approvers. All direct members of this group can approve the rule. Inherited members cannot approve the rule.

Typically the group is a subgroup in your top-level namespace, unless you are collaborating with an external group. If you are collaborating with another group, you must share access to the project before assigning the group as a group approver.

A user’s membership in an approver group affects their individual ability to approve in the following ways:

  • Inherited members are not considered approvers. Only direct members can approve merge requests.
  • A user from a group approver group who is later also added as an individual approver counts as one approver, not two.
  • Merge request authors do not count as eligible approvers on their own merge requests by default. To change this behavior, disable the Prevent author approval project setting.
  • Committers to merge requests can approve a merge request. To change this behavior, enable the Prevent committers approval project setting.

Code owners as eligible approvers

If you add code owners to your repository, the owners of files become eligible approvers in the project. To enable this merge request approval rule:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > Merge requests.
  3. In the Merge request approvals section, in the Approval rules section, locate the All eligible users rule.
  4. In the Approvals required column, enter the number of approvals required.

You can also require code owner approval for protected branches.

Enable approval permissions for users with the Reporter role

Before users with the Reporter role can merge to a protected branch, you might have to grant them permission to approve merge requests. Some users (like managers) might not need permission to push or merge code, but still need oversight on proposed work.


  • You must select a specific branch, as this method does not work with All Branches or All protected branches settings.
  • The shared group must be added to an approval rule and not individual users, even when the added user is part of the group.

To enable approval permissions for these users without granting them push access:

  1. Create a protected branch
  2. Create a new group.
  3. Add the user to the group, and select the Reporter role for the user. Do not assign roles with higher permissions than Reporter due to a known issue. Assigning higher roles may result in unexpected behavior.
  4. Share the project with your group, with at least the Reporter role.
  5. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  6. Select Settings > Merge requests.
  7. In the Merge request approvals section, in the Approval rules section:
    • For a new rule, select Add approval rule and target the protected branch.
    • For an existing rule, select Edit and target the protected branch.
  8. On the right sidebar, in Add approvers, select the group you created.
  9. Select Save changes.

Edit or override merge request approval rules

You can override the merge request approval rules for a project by either:

  • Editing an existing merge request.
  • Creating a new merge request.


  • You must have administrator access or all of the following must be true:
    • You must have at least the Developer role or the project must accept contributions from external members.
    • You must be the author of the merge request.
    • The project setting Prevent editing approval rules is disabled.

To override approvers of a merge request:

  1. When creating a new merge request, scroll to the Approval Rules section, and add or remove your desired approval rules before selecting Create merge request.
  2. When viewing an existing merge request:
    1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
    2. Select Code > Merge requests and find your merge request.
    3. Select Edit.
    4. Scroll to the Approval Rules section.
    5. Add or remove your desired approval rules.
    6. Select Save changes.

Administrators can change the merge request approvals settings to prevent users from overriding approval rules for merge requests.

Require multiple approvals for a rule

To create an approval rule which requires more than one approval:

  • When you create or edit a rule, set Approvals required to 2 or more.

To require multiple approvals for a rule, you can also use the API to set the approvals_required attribute to 2 or more.

Configure optional approval rules

Merge request approvals can be optional for projects where approvals are appreciated, but not required. To make an approval rule optional:

To make an approval rule optional, you can also use the API to set the approvals_required attribute to 0.

Approvals for protected branches

  • All protected branches target branch option introduced in GitLab 15.3.

Approval rules are often relevant only to specific branches, like your default branch. To configure an approval rule for certain branches:

  1. Create an approval rule.
  2. Go to your project and select Settings > Merge requests.
  3. In the Merge request approvals section, scroll to Approval rules.
  4. For Target branch:
    • To apply the rule to all protected branches, select All protected branches.
    • To apply the rule to a specific branch, select it from the list.
  5. To enable this configuration, follow Require Code Owner approval on a protected branch.

Security Approvals

Tier: Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated
  • Security approvals moved to merge request approvals settings introduced in GitLab 15.0.
  • Bot comment for approvals introduced in GitLab 16.2 with a flag named security_policy_approval_notification. Enabled by default.
  • Bot comment for approvals generally available in GitLab 16.3. Feature flag security_policy_approval_notification removed.

You can use merge request approval policies to define security approvals based on the status of vulnerabilities in the merge request and the default branch. Details for each security policy is shown in the Security Approvals section of your Merge Request configuration.

The security approval rules are applied to all merge requests until the pipeline is complete. The application of the security approval rules prevents users from merging in code before the security scans run. After the pipeline is complete, the security approval rules are checked to determine if the security approvals are still required. In case the scanners in the pipeline identify an issue and security approvals are required, a bot comment is generated on the merge request to indicate which steps are needed to proceed.

Security Approvals

These policies are both created and edited in the security policy editor.


Approval rule name can’t be blank

As a workaround for this validation error, you can delete the approval rule through the API.

  1. GET a project-level rule.
  2. DELETE the rule.

For more information about this validation error, read issue 285129.

Groups need explicit or inherited Developer role on a project

A group created to handle approvals may be created in a different area of the project hierarchy than the project requiring review. If this happens, members of the group may not be able to approve the merge request as they do not have access to it.

For example:

In the group structure below, project 1 belongs to subgroup 1 and subgroup 4 has users.

Example scenario - project and group hierarchy

Project 1 has a project level approval rule which assigns subgroup 4 as approvers. When a merge request is created approvers from subgroup 4 appear in the eligible approvers list. However, as users from subgroup 4 do not have permission to view the merge request, the 404 error is returned. To grant membership, the group must be invited as a project member. It is now possible for users from subgroup 4 to approve.

Project members page showing subgroup 4 as a member