GitLab Standard Context Fields

Standard context, also referred to as Cloud context, describes all the fields available in the GitLab Standard Context schema.

Required Fields

Field Type Description Example
environment string Name of the source environment. "production", "staging"

Optional Fields

Field Type Description Example
project_id integer, null ID of the associated project. This is available when tracking is done inside any project path. (example : GitLab project) 12345
namespace_id integer, null ID of the associated namespace. This is available when tracking is done inside any group path. (example : GitLab-org) 67890
user_id integer, null ID of the associated user. This gets pseudonymized in the Snowplow enricher. Refer to the metrics dictionary. longhash
global_user_id string, null An anonymized user_id hash unique across instances. longhash
is_gitlab_team_member boolean, null Indicates if the action was triggered by a GitLab team member. true, false

Instance Information

Field Type Description Example
instance_id string, null ID of the GitLab instance where the request originated. instance_long_uuid
host_name string, null Hostname of the GitLab instance. "gitlab-host-id"
instance_version string, null Version of the GitLab instance. "15.8.0"
realm string, null Deployment type of GitLab. Must be one of: "self-managed", "saas", "dedicated". "saas"

Client Information

Field Type Description Example
client_name string, null Name of the client sending the request. "chrome", "jetbrains"
client_version string, null Version of the client. "108.0.5359.124"
client_type string, null Type of client. "browser", "ide"
interface string, null Interface from which the request originates. "Duo Chat"

Feature and Plan Information

Field Type Description Example
feature_category string, null Category where the specific feature belongs. "duo_chat"
feature_enabled_by_namespace_ids array, null List of namespace IDs allowing the user to use the tracked feature. [123, 456, 789]
plan string, null Name of the subscription plan (maximum length: 32 characters). "free", "ultimate"

Tracking and Context

Field Type Description Example
source string, null Name of the source application. "gitlab-rails", "gitlab-javascript"
google_analytics_id string, null Google Analytics ID from the marketing site. "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
context_generated_at string, null Timestamp indicating when the context was generated. "2023-12-20T10:00:00Z"
correlation_id string, null Unique request ID for each request. uuid
extra object, null Additional data associated with the event, in key-value pair format. {"key": "value"}

Adding a New Field to the Standard Context

To add a new field to the standard context:

  1. Create a merge request in the iglu repository to update the schema.

  2. If the new field should be pseudonymized, add it to the ATTRIBUTE_TO_PSEUDONYMISE constant in the snowplow-pseudonymization project.

  3. Update the GITLAB_STANDARD_SCHEMA_URL in tracking/standard_context.rb to match the new version from gitlab-org/iglu.
  4. Start sending events that include the new field in Standard Context.