常见问题 FAQ

1. 我该如何完全删除CodeRider已下载的端侧组件和模型?
  • Visual Studio Code

    • macOS 系统:

      1. 在 PATH 中安装“code”命令(如果您已经在 VS Code 中手工卸载了 CodeRider 插件,您可以跳过该步骤)

        1. 启动 VS Code;

        2. 依次点击 VS Code “管理” -> “配置文件(默认)”->“显示配置文件内容”-> “settings.json”,打开配置文件后删除“coderider”相关的所有内容。 image.png image.png
        3. 打开命令面板(同时按 Command+Shift+P),输入 ‘shell command’ 找到 ‘Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH command’ 命令,并点击。 /Users/czzhang/Pictures/Image From CodeRider清理卸载指南.png
        4. 关闭 VS Code。
      2. 为 cleancr.sh 脚本添加权限
        1. cleancr.sh 脚本保存在桌面上;
          /Users/czzhang/Desktop/Image From CodeRider清理卸载指南.png
        2. 启动“终端”; /Users/czzhang/Desktop/Image From CodeRider清理卸载指南.png
        3. 输入“cd Desktop”;
        4. 输入“chmod +x cleancr.sh”
      3. 运行清理脚本

        1. 在打开的终端中,输入“./cleancr.sh”;

        2. 等待脚本运行完毕,重新开启 VS Code,重新安装 CodeRider 插件即可。 /Users/czzhang/Desktop/Image From CodeRider清理卸载指南.png

    • Windows 系统:

      1. 依次点击 VS Code “管理” -> “配置文件(默认)”->“显示配置文件内容”-> “settings.json”,打开配置文件后删除“coderider”相关的所有内容。
      2. 关闭 VS Code;
      3. cleancr.bat 脚本保存在桌面上;
      4. 双击运行 cleancr.bat;
      5. 等待脚本运行完毕,重新开启 VS Code,重新安装 CodeRider 插件即可。
  • JetBrains

    • macOS 系统:
      1. 删除“.coderider”文件夹中的全部内容。

      2. 删除“~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/CodeRider”里的全部内容。

    • Windows 系统:
      1. 删除“.coderider”文件夹中的全部内容。

      2. 删除“C:\Program Files\JetBrains\Intellij IDEA\plugins\CodeRider”里的全部内容。

      (注意“C:\Program Files\”可根据实际情况替换为用户安装JetBrains的安装路径)

How can I completely remove the downloaded client-side components and models of CodeRider?

  • Visual Studio Code

    • macOS:
      1. Install the “code” command in PATH. If you have already manually uninstalled the CodeRider extension in VS Code, you can skip this step.
        1. Launch VS Code.
        2. Click “Manage” in VS Code -> “Profiles (Default)” -> “Show Profile Content” -> “settings.json”. After opening the configuration file, delete all content related to “coderider”.
        3. Open the command palette (press Command+Shift+P), type ‘shell command’, find the ‘Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH command’, and click it.
        4. Close VS Code.
      2. Add permissions to the cleancr.sh script
        1. Save the cleancr.sh script on the desktop.
        2. Launch “Terminal”.
        3. Type “cd Desktop”.
        4. Type “chmod +x cleancr.sh”.
      3. Run the cleanup script
        1. In the open terminal, type “./cleancr.sh”.
        2. Wait for the script to finish running, then restart VS Code and reinstall the CodeRider extension.
    • Windows:
      1. Click “Manage” in VS Code -> “Profiles (Default)” -> “Show Profile Content” -> “settings.json”. After opening the configuration file, delete all content related to “coderider”.
      2. Close VS Code.
      3. Save the cleancr.bat script on the desktop.
      4. Double-click to run cleancr.bat.
      5. Wait for the script to finish running, then restart VS Code and reinstall the CodeRider extension.
  • JetBrains

    • macOS:
      • Delete all contents in the “.coderider” folder.
      • Delete all contents in the “~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/CodeRider” directory.
    • Windows:

      • Delete all contents in the “.coderider” folder.
      • Delete all contents in the “C:\Program Files\JetBrains\Intellij IDEA\plugins\CodeRider” directory.

        (Note: “C:\Program Files” can be replaced with the actual installation path where JetBrains is installed.)

2. 报错提示“ChatPrompter: invalid model key”或“model … not found, try pulling it first”类似问题。

a. 问题原因:依赖的端侧模型未完全下载完毕。

b. 解决方式:

  1. 如果公司网络状态良好:重启 IDE,会提示下载补全模型和对话模型,右下角有下载进度条,需等两个模型下载完毕后,再使用相关功能。
  2. 如果公司网络状态不理想:可直接下载模型文件,下载完成后,将models文件夹解压并放置到对应位置。

    1. Windows系统C:/users/<username>/.coderider/jetty
    2. MacOS:~/.coderider/jetty/

How to handle error messages like “ChatPrompter: invalid model key” or “model … not found, try pulling it first.”

a. Cause of the error: The required client-side models were not completely downloaded.

b. Solution:

  1. If the company network is in good condition: Restart the IDE, which will prompt the download of the completion model and the chat model. There will be a download progress bar at the bottom right corner. Wait until both models are fully downloaded before using the related functions.

  2. If the company network is not ideal: You can directly download the model files. After the download is complete, unzip the models folder and place it in the appropriate location.

    1. Windows: C:/users//.coderider/jetty
    2. MacOS: ~/.coderider/jetty/